London                         03  June  2014          £ 3,500            English


Goals and Objectives

London International Training Centre continues to pursue its goal of strengthening the institutional capacity of micro finance in the Asia-Pacific region and African region by making high-quality micro finance training accessible to more decision-makers, professionals and practitioners in the field of micro finance as well as increasing the number and country coverage of accredited micro finance trainers in the Asia Pacific region and around the world.

Course Content

1. The emergence of micro finance:
2. Financial inclusion and exclusion and the range of delivery models:
NGO, credit unions, cooperatives, state and rural banks, specialized financial institutions, commercial banks, etc.
3. Sustainability and reaching the poor:
balancing the twin objectives.
4. Operations of a micro finance institution
– Disbursement & collections
– MIS systems
– Setting interest rates
-Planning for growth
5. The range of financial products:
savings, credit, insurance, pension, money transfers, etc.
6. Micro finance impacts:
household and macro level; how do MFI clients fare in the current global financial crisis.
7. The regulatory framework:
how does government set micro finance policy and supervise MFIs?
8. Funding micro finance:
donors, governments, social investors and the private commercial sector.
9. The future of micro finance:
commercial players, branch less banking and the integration of the financial sector.


Course Description

The course features a unique, blended approach consisting of:

  1. Self-paced study using the Micro finance latest Development Model
  2. Meeting with international micro finance experts through video conference sessions at selected sites. The video conference sessions will feature presentations and discussions on current issues and best practices in micro finance. The video conferences will also be webcast live.
  3. Local courses in selected countries will be available during the same time period.


Target Audience

This course is aimed primarily at development practitioners, micro finance professionals, policy makers, donor staff, socially responsible investors, students, and others who want to improve their knowledge of best practices in micro finance.
Participants who wish to develop their skills in delivering micro finance training and become fully certified trainers in the field of Micro Finance.

Certificate and Accreditation of Trainers

The accreditation is an important element of the course offering, and has great impact on the institutional capacity building for micro finance sector. Course participants can earn this certificate and become a fully certified trainer of the Micro Finance n English with quality up to a standard.