Training Location Schedule Date Course Fee Language
London 27th August, 2014 £ 4,000 English
• To enhance the capacities of participants and equip them with supplementary skills to enable them apply pressure for change within their communities.
• To empower participants to report incidents of corruption.
• To raise awareness among participants on corruption to challenge existing attitudes, behaviours and beliefs.
• To demonstrate the link between corruption and over centralization.
• To cascade the process through the multiplier effect of training trainers.
Training would enable them the Participants:
• Acquire knowledge on the issues to be discussed.
• Network and establish linkages, including building a strong network at district and chiefdom levels.
• Learn skills to enable them function as ‘foot soldiers against corruption.
• Be self-confident to challenge existing patterns of behaviour in both issues
The training shall be conducted in a participatory way to enable the trainer to examine the relevance of the ideas presented and develop individual and collective responses. Emphasis shall be laid on the need to maximize inter-group networking and the use of charts. The sessions will be structured in the following manner:
London International Training
Claim House 27 Aintree
Road Perivale London,
Middlesex UB6 7LA
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0) 20 8998 8866
Fax: +44 (0)20 8998 8869